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Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, also known as Physiatry, is the branch of medicine that intervenes in the recovery and rehabilitation of any pathology that may result from pain or any other deficit that interferes with the patient’s functional ability and, consequently, their quality of life.

When seeking services in the area of physical medicine and rehabilitation, all patients are examined during an initial appointment with the physiatrist.

This appointment results in a patient-centered treatment plan that includes the prescription of a rehabilitation and treatment program. This treatment plan may include pharmacological treatment and/or rehabilitation. The physiatrist may also request complementary diagnostic tests and prescribe assistive devices (e.g., orthoses, prostheses, walking aids, and other technical aids).

The prescribed rehabilitation programs are then managed by a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team, which includes health professionals such as physiotherapists and physiotherapy assistants.

Every patient's evolution is followed by the physiatrist, who works in articulation with the rest of the team, and whenever necessary, adjustments are made to the rehabilitation program.

In this area, the main areas of action of the IREF are:

Orthopedic and traumatologic rehabilitation (post-operative; fractures; accidents; falls and other traumas; conservative and complementary treatment of general musculoskeletal pathology);

Rheumatologic Rehabilitation (connective tissue diseases and other autoimmune diseases; degenerative and inflammatory osteoarticular pathology; fibromyalgia);

Neurologic Rehabilitation (central and peripheral neurologic pathology: sequelae of stroke, TBI, vertebro-medullary lesions; Multiple Sclerosis; Parkinson's disease; peripheral nerve lesions /paralysis; etc.);

Geriatric Rehabilitation (balance and gait disorders; degenerative joint diseases; immobility syndromes);

Rehabilitation in Chronic Pain (complementary intervention in chronic nociceptive and neuropathic pain);

Veno-lymphatic Rehabilitation (conservative treatment with pressotherapy and manual drainage; lymphedema after ganglionic surgery; venous insufficiency; pre and post-surgical status);

Postural Corrective Kinesiotherapy /Global Postural Re-education (deviations of the spine; scoliosis / kyphosis; posture changes; back pain);

Rehabilitation of temporomandibular joint disorder [TJD] (TJD etiology is multifactorial: anatomical alterations; joint pathology - e.g. arthritis -; bruxism; muscle tension; jaw trauma).

  • IREF 01
  • IREF 02
  • IREF 03
  • IREF 04
  • IREF 05
  • IREF 06
  • IREF 07
  • IREF 08
  • IREF 09
  • IREF 010
  • IREF 011
  • IREF 012
  • IREF 013
  • IREF 015
  • IREF 017
  • IREF 018
  • IREF 019
  • IREF 020
  • IREF 021
  • IREF 021
  • IREF 022
  • IREF 030
  • IREF 040
  • IREF 040
  • IREF 050
  • IREF 060
  • IREF 070
  • IREF 080
  • IREF 090
  • IREF 001
  • IREF 002
  • IREF 003
  • IREF 004
  • IREF 011

  • Rua Pedro José Ornelas Nº12
    9050-069 Funchal, Portugal
    291 237 100

  • Calçada de São Lourenço Nº. 3  -  1º andar B
    9000-061 Funchal, Portugal
    291 146 901

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© IREF – Instituto de Reabilitação do Funchal